Sunday, January 26, 2020
Media Analysis: Banning Beauty and the Beast in Malaysia
Media Analysis: Banning Beauty and the Beast in Malaysia Banning and Censorship of Beauty and The Beast in Malaysia: An Analysis on News Values and News Frames. This article analyses the news reports on the banning and censorship of movie Beauty and The Beast in Malaysia. In order to analyse the news reports, four articles from different media outlets had been selected to compare and contrast the news representation. The articles that had been chosen are the one by Malaysias The Star (Malaysias neutral newspaper), the UKs Daily Mail and The Independent (to compare the news reports taken from a newswire and the one with authors by-line) and a news report by Bloomberg (the first foreign media to report this issue). All these media outlets report news on banning and censorship of Beauty and The Beast as it sparks controversies among Muslim majority Malaysians due to its gay scene. That gay moment has raised concerns among the public as it is inappropriate for children viewing and it is also claimed to promote negative values where homosexuality is strictly prohibited in Malaysia under both religious and secular laws. In the movie, the character Le Fou played by Josh Gad was seen to be confused about his sexuality. Following this issue, Malaysias Film Censorship Board had requested the gay moment scene to be cut, making it suitable for Malaysian viewers, especially children below the age of 13. The main purpose of this analysis is to study the way journalists frame censorship news. Throughout the analysis, the frames and values have been highlighted together with explanations of what makes the frames to be newsworthy. First, all four news articles framed Beauty and The Beast as the gay moment. According to Lupton (2006), event or issues that are considered to have news value or to be newsworthy are indicative of a bigger concern of society. This suggests that in order to select a news frame, the news angle itself has to be newsworthy. Similarly, Gamson and Modigliani (1989) believe that news framing is a media process of highlighting an issue which also could be perceived as to give meaning to an issue. With regards to Beauty and The Beast defined as the gay moment, it sparks a huge debate in Malaysia as media censorship also does not only apply to print and online media but it also bans songs and movies that insult Islam as religion of the constitution, as well as those that encourage acceptance of gay. In an article by The Independent, Malaysias Film Censorship Board chairman Abdul Halim Abdul Hamid described gay moment as unsuitable because many children will be watching this movie despite its very short scene of 4.30 minutes and rated PG 13, indicating some content might be appropriate for pre-teens. According to Wan Mahmud (2007) among elements that are forbidden include contradicting Islamic rules (fatwa) by the State Islamic Councils as wells as those that endanger Malaysian norms and values. Contradictory, an article by Daily Mail portrays that the films director Bill Condon had a very different view as he claims that this is Disneys first exclusive gay moment. Entman (1991) clarifies that framing is measured by a few aspects such as moral judgements, cultural values and what forces create the problem. The different ways of news framing suggest that the way media framed news is to shape what the public should read instead of what the public should know. Goffman (1974) suggests that frame is perceived as the cognitive patterns or maps where the media use to emphasise and render information into a series of newsworthy events. This also suggests that journalists are dep endent on frames to select what to include in a story and what should be eliminated. At the same time, as Islam is the religion of the constitution in Malaysia, news on banning or movie censorship has always been closely related to local customs and culture. Yopp and McAdams, 2003) suggests that when selecting stories, journalists and editors are drawn one or more of the following criteria: i) timeliness, ii) prominence, iii) emotional effect, iv) magnitude v) oddity, vi) proximity vii) impact, vii) conflict. This suggests that media practitioners must strive to report and to package news according to the values and with regards to this issue, it involves proximity, emotional effect and conflict. Not just that, journalists also use news frame to present human interest story. By analysing the news articles, three foreign news outlet emphasised about Malaysias law on homosexuality or gay behaviour in their news reports. In Bloomberg, Daily Mail and The Independent, homosexuality is defined as a criminal offence. Caudill and Ashdown (1989) suggest that uncommon, up-to-date, provocative or affects a large scale of people is most likely to receive coverage by the media. Dunwoody and Griffin (1990) suggests that journalist could gain readership by creating controversy between two or more standpoints. In this issue of banning Beauty and the Beast, religious view and punishment towards homosexuality could be perceived as the standpoints that make the news controversial. This also suggests that journalists will look for anything with the human angle when they have to decide that to write a news report. Goffman (1974) suggests that frame is perceived as the cognitive patterns or maps w here the media use to emphasise and render information into a series of newsworthy events. For example, Daily Mail, Bloomberg and the Independent clearly mentioned that homosexuality in Malaysia would lead to fine, imprisonment and corporal punishment. Nevertheless, Nik Hassan (2007) argues as news frame also suggests treatments for the issue, offers remedies and predicts the likely effect rather than just raising anxiety to public. This is different compared to the local media (The Star) which only reports about the consequences and solution for the issue. In The Star news report, its report is solely on the possible delay for Beauty and The Beast screening, also the consequence that the movie might be pulled out of Malaysian cinema due to Malaysias Film Censorship Board request to cut the gay scene. Consequently, the way media frame news is crucial as they are capable of influencing the publics belief and also to determine the final resolution of publics concern. This is supported by Entman (2007) he suggests news frames are designed to make target audience think, feel and decide in a specific way. Not just that, Dixon and Clarke (2003) believe that controversial reports actively shape the way readers understand the issue. Despite the traditional news values and frames that are already embedded in their routine, some journalists construct news differently from its nature. On the other hand, Daily Mail (by AFP) cited senior mufti for Malaysias northern Perak state Harussani Zakaria, saying that the Western behaviour has gone awry that Malaysian should guard themselves thus, the movie must be banned. This is surprisingly different from Bloomberg, The Star and The Independent as none of these media outlet cited a religion expert in their news report. Myrick (2002) suggests by including diverse viewpoints, journalists could achieve fairness and balance, avoiding distortion by personal feelings and prejudices. With regards to news value and frame, Kiousis (2004) claim that this has to do with the idea that more visible and will be more prominent on publics mind. It is also vital to note that different parties compete to shape the frame of a news story. Moreover, by framing Beauty and The Beast as the negative behaviour of the society, it does meet the standards of newsworthiness such as emotional effect and conflict. For a Muslim majority Malaysians, the p ress desire to publish sensational stories to attract readership is fulfilled hence the focus on controversy, drama, human interest and brevity. Nik Hassan (2007) claims that to present news with human interest value, journalist use framing to package the idea, make sense of it and suggest the issue to the public who rely on mediated news for information. On the other hand, all three foreign media reports were merely focusing on the banning of Beauty and The Beast as the gay moment and Malaysias law against homosexuality rather that educating and informing the public about media censorship in the country. This suggests that the words homosexual and gay play a major role in shaping a news story. Correspondingly, Entman (2007) claims that media framing involves section that highlights certain criteria of an issue to promote salience among the public. Thus, this also proposes that the media has successfully selected the frame of the issue by highlighting a few words that trigger the pu blics attention and emotion. In the nutshell, every media outlet has its own agenda by the way it frames and selects the story where the main news frame is Beauty and The Beast defined as the negative behaviour of the society. Similarly, Maher (2001) claims framing and agenda setting are related that they emphasis on the selection of ideas or criteria in a news coverage to promote its message to the public. By analysing all four articles, it can be concluded that all foreign media articles emphasised on the word gay in their news articles. The Independent and Bloomberg, for example, had the word gay in the title itself which surely catches readers attention. Compared to Daily Mail and The Star, the titles for these two articles are rather neutral and did not come out with anything controversial. Furthermore, Bloomberg, The Independent and Daily Mail had the word gay moment at the lead paragraph which suggest that all these media outlets perceived the word to has its own newsworthiness that it also define the con cept of the movie despite its very short scene. As mentioned, news frames are from time to time tied to agenda setting in exploring how a certain issue become the focus of media, public attention and policy change (McKeever, 2013). By evaluating the content that makes the news, this analysis helps to determine which frames and news value might be the most effective in making the story newsworthy and marketable. References. Caudill E, Ashdown P. The New England Journal of Medicine as news source. Journ Q 1989; 66:458- 62. Dunwoody, S. Griffin, R. (1993). Journalistic strategies for reporting long-term environmental issues: A case study of three Superfund sites. In A. Hansen Entman, R. 1991. Framing US Coverage of International News. Journal of Communication, No. 41, pp. 15-18. Entman, R. M. (2007). Framing bias: Media in the distribution of power. Journal of Communication, 57, pp. 91-95. Goffman, E. (1974). Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.p. 1. Gamson, W. Modigliani, A. (1989). Media discourse and public opinion on nuclear power: A Constructionist Approach. American Journal of Sociology, 95(1), 7 21. Kiousis, S. (2004). Explicating media salience: A Factor Analysis of New York Times Issue Coverage During The 2000 Presidential Election. Journal of Communication, 54, 62-71. Maher, M. T. (2001). Framing: An emerging paradigm or a phase of agenda setting. In S. D. Reese, O. H. Gandy, A. E. Grant (Eds.), Framing public life: Perspectives on media and our understanding of the social world, pp. 79-84. McKeever, B.W., 2013. News Framing of Autism. Science Communication, 35(2), SAGE, pp.213-240. Yopp, J. McAdams, K. (2003). Reaching Audiences: A Guide to Media Writing 3rd ed. Boston: Allyn Bacon, p. 8.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
End of Year Speech Essay
Good evening everyone. I hope everyone is having a good time, and has eaten their fill. Please eat all the food, we’ve spent a lot of money on that to be put to waste, and you’ll make the caterers job a lot easier (if the food is catered) Ladies please, help yourselves. Come on, it’s the end of the year, you’ll have a whole year ahead of you to start your diet†¦anyway Vegas buffet rules apply ladies and gentlemen, NO TAKEOUTS! So please keep your Ziplocs where they are. (of course parts like these are jokes and should be said well, as a joke). But seriously, good evening everyone and welcome to our year end dinner. It has been another successful year for us. Thanks mainly to the summer blockbuster heroes, in a sense, they did save our lives, well, at least made our company earn more money, thanks also to the mom and dads that keep bringing their kids in our store, may they be blessed with more kids, and of course, kudos to all of you for helping make another year a successful one. It has been another heroic year for us, both for the toys that we have sold and our efforts to make our company better. First we were introduced to a wealthy scientist turned super hero, who would have thought that the cousin of the tin-man would be a successful toy. Yes, Iron Man is one of our most successful toys this year, if not all of all time. The fact that Iron Man is a robot,( well, technically a bionic suit, but that’s how Iron Man is perceived) makes him subject for a lot of modifications, and thus a lot of action figure variants. Seven year old kids were just half of the market of Iron Man, toy collectors of all ages had a field day hoarding Iron Man toys from our store. Action figures sales have never been higher since the come back of comic book adaptations into the silver screen. Thank you Stan Lee! You made a lot of toy companies such ourselves very happy, we hope for more new movies and sequels to your comic books. I hope I can say the same to your reality show. Batman’s appeal has not dropped, Batman Toy’s have virtually not stopped production since the franchise came to being way back. I think only X-men and Spider Man toys have achieved a similar feat, which makes Batman the most successful comic book hero without having any super powers. Spider Man was bitten by a radio active bug, and the X-Men are mutants. Batman is just a plain dude with a fancy belt, well, a dude that can kick all our butts in one passing. If I was a kid, I would definitely be a good boy (at least for a while) to get the latest Batman action figure. I bet if we just sold action figures of Batman or an equally popular comic book superhero, we wouldn’t go out of business and still keep the store. That’s how big these toys have become, and how big they’ve been to our company’s progress. What would be a hero without an arch enemy? Not only do the heroes need a bad guy to beat up, toy companies also need villains as a source of income. Chances are, when kids buy their action figures, they want something to tests its weapons on something, might as well be the actual enemy of the hero. The Joker has been the most popular action hero as of late, thanks to the films success and all these talks about the death on Heath Ledger, the actor that played Joker in the Dark Knight. This toy has suddenly become a limited edition because it is one of the last characters the actor has played before he died, for some reason, I don’t think Mattel would buy the idea of making an action figure out of Brokeback Mountain, but that’s just me, I’ve seen stranger toys made it into production. Spider – Man toys have been around almost as long as Batman toys, especially after the new Spider Man films came out. They did not leave our shelves even if the franchise has been on a hiatus from the silver screen for a while. Actually there have not been a major Spider – Man film until the recent films and yet Spider Man toys are one of our popular toys of all time After I thank the toys, sorry guys, they do come first you know, these toys pay our bills. I would like to thank the staff of our company for doing a job well done throughout the year. Our company would be nothing if not for your efforts. Thank you for maintaining a harmonious working environment and for keeping our customers happy, your service is much appreciated. Thank you also for an outstanding team performance in all departments. It is always good for any company to work together as a team. More than working as a team, we’ve worked together, and treated each other as family. I’m not saying exactly who the mom and dads are, let’s just say we are all the children of the company okay? Special thanks to the marketing people for actively promoting our products to the buying public. They managed to sell our toys to kids who, for some reason did not go to the toy store with a particular toy in mind. Their persuasive skills have managed to squeeze some extra cash out of mommy and daddy to spend on their kids toys. Now, if they can only sell our (name unpopular toy) we would give them a big fat raise! On a serious note, thank you guys for a job well done and keep up the good work, we’ll talk about that raise deal later okay? (of course with still a sense of candidness) This party would not have been possible if had not worked hard last year. So if you guys still want the free food, we have to do just as well next year or even better. Either way, we would still have a party for sure, but our party would definitely much better if we raise our bar even just a little. So I encourage everyone to work just as hard or even harder this coming year and I promise you, our hard work would be rewarded if we have good sales next year. Incentives and other privileges would be available for us if we exceed what is expected of us, so let’s keep it up guys! The boss expects nothing less than what has already been established this year. I know we have done a good job this year but why aim for good when we can do better? The boss expects for exciting and new ideas from our staff, especially from the marketing department. Don’t be afraid to pitch in ideas even if you are not from the marketing department or if you think your ideas are too crazy. We all love new ideas. Again, thank you everyone for being part of this end of the year party and for a job well done this year. More fruitful years to come for our company! Cheers, and enjoy the rest of the evening. Let’s give a hand to ourselves! Thank you.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Case Study Analysis Rough Draft
Case Study Analysis Paper (Rough Draft) Case Study Analysis Paper (Rough Draft) How do you make sure that you are prepared early so that you are not running around at the last minute? Many people work at different skill levels and also can handle pressure differently. In order to ease the process it is usually better to keep ahead by preparing the things that are needed in advanced rather than waiting till the last minute. Knowing these types of skills also allows for people to work with less stress since they do not have to meet a deadline so quickly and have time to fully research what is needed to be done.The Situation In early April the 15 candidates were hired to work for the Operations Supervisor by one of the new recruiters. At this time the recruiter had six months experience at this job and no previous recruitments done for the company. The recruiter was not working with another recruiter that had more experience at the time to help with this process. Once the 15 candidates where hired he scheduled a new hire orientation to be held on June 15th as to make sure the new hires would be ready for work in July.A little over a month after the 15 candidates were hired the Operations Supervisor contacted the recruiter about all the information, paperwork and other necessities that needed to be done such as drug test, physicals, etc†¦. The recruiter gave assurance to the Operations Supervisor that everything would be handled by the time the orientation would be held on June 15th. The recruiter waited until after Memorial Day to check the records for the new hires to see if their applications were complete and if they had done the mandatory drug screenings and most had not been done.The recruiter then checked for the paperwork that would need to be given to the new hires in around 20 days and there were only three manuals all of which were missing pages making none of them complete. Once this was all the seen the recruiter went on a walk to clear his head a nd then returned to the office. He went to check on the scheduling of the conference room where the new hire orientation is to be held since he saw that one of the employees from technology services was setting up computer terminals.The schedule showed that the conference room was booked for the whole month for training seminars on the new database implementation that was going to occur. The recruiter is not sure what to do at this point since everything appears to be going wrong and the new hires would not be able to have orientation on time nor will they be able to start by July. Analysis 1: Correcting the problem At this time the recruiter is not sure what to do in order to fix all the problems that have arisen since there is such little time left to the deadline he had set.The wisest decision would be to separate the problems and then take them on one at a time. As far as the conference room situation goes the recruiter can speak with the person that is going to be holding the s eminars to see at what times they are to be held. If there are some gaps in between the seminars it can be seen if the scheduling of the orientation would be affected or not. Also if there is a particular day that the seminars would not be taking place the orientation can be rescheduled for that day. The new hires that have not completed all the necessary paperwork or drug tests would be the next point issue to handle.The files would need to be reviewed to see who is missing what paperwork or tests so that they can be contacted accordingly and be given a deadline to complete it all or they will not be hired. In doing this it allows for the follow to seem more personal since the records are being looked at individually and also puts a sense of urgency in the new hire to get it all done. This would also allow the recruiter to contact the new hires with the date of the orientation if it has changed or just to give a reminder of the date if it has not changed. The final problem of the o rientation manuals not being complete is next problem to work on.From the three manuals that the recruiter does have he should review each to see what pages are missing from one and see if they are available in one of the others. If all three manuals together can make one complete manual then copies can be run off of all three accordingly to be pieced together to make one manual. Once there is one complete manual then other copies can be made. If the manuals cannot be pieced together to make one then the recruiter would need to contact his or her supervisor to see how to obtain new manuals and the time frame that it would take to get them in.This would allow him to see if the orientation would need to be rescheduled or not due to the time it will take to get manuals for all the new hires. From this point on continued follow up of all the new hires paperwork and drug tests would need to be done to make sure that they will be done before the orientation is held. Following up of the co nference room schedule would also need to be done to make sure that there is nothing else newly scheduled that may have interference with the orientation.The final detail that would need to be followed up on is the status of the operations manuals being ready by the date of the orientation, such as checking with who is making them and if they are running behind or if everything is on schedule. Analysis II Proper Procedure There are many different aspects that would need to be revised in order to make sure that issues like this can be avoided in the future. Proper supervision of procedures is one the major aspects that would need to be looked at first.Since the recruiter was new and it was the first recruitment they had done another more experienced recruiter could have shadowed the process to make sure that everything is done correctly. Shadowing would allow for the new recruiter to put to the test their training and if there are points that are not done right it can be caught early . This makes for better teamwork as well as a confidence building situation for the new recruiter. During the hiring process the new hires should be given deadlines to have all of their applications and other necessary paperwork completed in order to continue processing them as a new hire.The same should also be done with the drug testing, rather than giving them till the orientation date they should have a date within 30 days to complete it so that if they don’t they can be given a little more time or there would still be ample time to hire a replacement if needed. With these deadlines in place it has the employees take the time needed to get the tasks done but also does not give them excess time to procrastinate on the getting them done. As far as the orientation paperwork situation goes the recruiter would need to check how many are available right after hiring the employees to make sure that there would be enough.With this being done early then the recruiter would be able to contact the Operations Supervisor with plenty of time to let them know that they are short on the manuals necessary for the orientation. Checking this also allows the recruiter to stay on top of ordering the manuals so that there will always be some in supply as and would only need to order more to replace the ones that are going to be used. Conclusion The best solution that was presents was from the second analysis.This solution sets the goals of the company to not only train their employees better but also to promote teamwork in order to increase accuracy in the way that jobs are done. With the shadowing being done the more experienced recruiter could have had the newer recruiter set up the deadlines for the new hires, as well as how, where and when to check on the paperwork that is needed for the orientation. The communication on how often to check the scheduling log for the conference rooms could have also been brought up. The better the training and teamwork the better the situation turns out.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Financial Crisis Of The Housing Bubble - 1482 Words
The Financial Crisis that started in 2007 The 2007-08 financial crisis that started in the US is often dubbed as the housing bubble. Although, the burst of the housing bubble is the tipping point of the crisis, the true causes have building up slowly and steadily for almost over a decade. The burst of the housing bubble was merely a reflection of the built up baggage. This crisis is a classic example of how dangerous derivatives can turn out to be if not properly managed. Causes of the crisis and the sequence of events Succinctly, several macroeconomic factors laid the foundation and primed the field for a downfall and rash attitude of borrowers, the sub-prime lending, the greed of bankers and their shadow banking system, complacency of†¦show more content†¦Bingo borrowers – the reckless borrowers Since, loans were offered easily and at cheap cost, borrowers started borrowing recklessly beyond the point of their earnings capacity as there is now no disincentive to default a loan as one can get another loan at relative ease. This subprime lending, increased the demand for housing and thus increased the prices. In effect, sub-prime lending slowly became the cause of the high property prices rather than the effect. The ever greedy Bankers With the promise of building of Chinese wall between investing and commercial banking division, the Glass- Steagall act is repealed and this made it easier for the investment banks to make money out of thin air. I banks that were selling CDOs were constantly nudging the commercial banking division to shun their traditional conservative philosophy with more of a gamble as they can now spin off the risks pretty efficiently . Also, the capital regulations weren’t so tight and allowed the banks to spin the assets off the balance sheet into special purpose vehicles that were subject to weak capital requirement standards and were funded by the raising moneyShow MoreRelatedThe Collapse of the Domino --- Chinese Real Estate1206 Words  | 5 Pagesoutbreak of the U.S. financial crisis in 2008, the whole worlds financial situation is not good, but except one, which is China. However, many people find out that China is walking on the old U.S. economic way, which means China will have economic crisis either. So right now, all the eyes from all the countries are watching at China’s economy, because if Chinese economic collapse, there are no more people buy Japanese animations and European luxuries. 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