Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Combined solution of Garlic (Allium sativum) and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Essay Essays
Combined solution of Garlic (Allium sativum) and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Essay Essays Combined solution of Garlic (Allium sativum) and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Essay Paper Combined solution of Garlic (Allium sativum) and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Essay Paper The survey is entitled Combined solution of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) . Specifically. it sought to happen out how these two solutions ( lemon grass and Allium sativum ) can efficaciously kill mosquitoes. It aimed at looking for an organic and safe step in handling the copiousness of mosquito. Ideally. the researcher’s survey promotes a tandem between scientific discipline and creation’s preservation. The stuffs composing the solution were 40 milliliter of the combined solution of Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) and Garlic ( Allium sativum ) . The set up was composed of experimental and control group. The experimental group was being sprayed utilizing a specific commercial pesticide. On the other manus. the control group was being sprayed utilizing the organic mosquito slayer. Datas were collected to garner relevant information. In the visible radiation of the findings of the survey. it was found out that the solution composition of 40 mL solution of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) infusion can kill mosquitoes in a short span of clip compared with the commercial 1. It took merely _________before the mosquitoes died. Chapter I Mosquitos are vector agents that carry disease doing viruses and parasites that lead to dangerous diseases from one individual to individual without catching the disease themselves. It prefers people over others. The discriminatory victim’s perspiration merely smells better than others because of the proportions of the C dioxide and other compounds that make up the organic structure olfactory property. A big portion of the mosquito’s sense of odor is devoted to whiffing out human marks. Mosquitos are estimated to convey disease to more than 700 million people yearly in Africa. South America. Central America. Mexico. and much of Asia with 1000000s of ensuing deceases. At least 2 million people yearly die of these diseases. Today. non merely our whole state. Philippines. but besides the full universe is confronting immense jobs in relation to the copiousness of mosquitoes in the community. In fact. many options and methods such as different sorts of drugs. vaccinums. insect powders. cyberspaces and repellents are now discovered and created in order to eliminate mosquitoes. prevent diseases. and protect persons. We opted to do this survey to prosecute an alternate organic agent of mosquito obliteration. The consequence of this survey is to suggest an alternate but organic and safe solution in handling the copiousness of mosquito in our vicinity. Furthermore. this aimed to significantly assist the occupants who are greatly affected by these mosquitoes in a manner that this survey will supply them a new avenue in handling the great figure of mosquitoes. This survey entitled Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) as Mosquito Killer is aimed to cognize the insecticidal consequence of Allium sativum and Cymbopogon citratus on mosquitoes in footings of: a. How effectual is the Garlic ( Alium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) ? B. What is the compared clip continuance of the commercial merchandise and experimental merchandise? The survey hypothesized that the combined solution of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon Citratus ) is more likely effectual than commercial merchandise on mosquitoes in footings of the figure of mosquitoes that will decease. The behavior of this survey is important in decreasing the figure of mosquitoes all over the state. This would widen an alternate solution for everybody spend less sum of money in handling the copiousness of mosquitoes here in our vicinity and therefore cooperation and resourcefulness will chiefly be observed by the people. Specifically. this will convey benefits to the followers: Government. This would supply the authorities a new avenue in decreasing the figure of mosquitoes. The stuffs that will be used are recycled and organic in which their handiness is easy utilised and hence they will pass less sum of money in intervention for the copiousness of mosquitoes in the society. Residents. This survey raises the consciousness degree of occupants in our state. They would be able to anticipate the importance of being resourceful of the things in our milieus. This survey focused on the insecticidal consequence of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) andLemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) on mosquitoes. The stuffs used were merely gathered around the researchers’ family. The probe utilized 6 mosquitoes that were placed in a crystalline container. Mosquito. From the Spanish or Lusitanian significance small fly is a common insect in the household Culicidate ( from the Latin culex significance midge or gnat ) . Mosquitoes resemble Crane flies ( household Tupilidae ) and chironomid flies ( household Chironomidae ) . with which they are sometimes confused by the insouciant perceiver. Organic. Any member of a big category of chemical compounds whose molecules contain C. Geraniol. A monoterpenoid and an alco0hol. It is the primary portion of rose oil. palmarosa oil. and citronella oil ( Java type ) . It besides occurs in little measures in geranium. lemon. and many other indispensable oils. Solution. A homogeneous mixture composed of two substances. Erradicate. Get rid of something wholly. Insecticide. A chemical substance used to kill insects. Chapter II Allium sativum outputs allicin. an antibiotic and fungicidal compound ( phytoncide ) . It has been claimed that it can be used as a place redress to assist rush recovery from pharynx or other minor complaints because of its antibiotic belongingss. It besides contains the sulfur-contaning compounds alliin. ajoene. diallylsulfide. dithiin. S-allylcysteine. and enzymes. vitamin B. proteins. minerals. saponins. flavonoids. and maillard reaction merchandises which are non-sulfur incorporating compounds. Furthermore a phytoalexin called allixin was found. suppressing skin tumour formation. Herein. allixin and/or its parallels may be expected utile compounds for malignant neoplastic disease bar or chemotherapy agents for other diseases. The composing of the bulbs is about 84. 09 % H2O. 13. 38 % organic affair. and 1. 53 % inorganic affair. while the foliages are 87. 14 % H2O. 11. 27 % organic affair. and 1. 59 % inorganic affair. Fresh C. citratus grass contains about 0. 4 % volatile oil. The oil contains 65 % to 85 % citral. a mixture of 2 geometric isomers. geraniol and neral. Related compounds geraniol. geranic acid. and nerolic acid have besides been identified. More than a twelve of other minor fragrant constituents were besides found. Research has shown geraniol to be an effectual plant-based mosquito repellent. Another popular theory is that consuming garlic can supply protection against mosquitoes. A University of Connecticut survey examined this claim with a randomized. double-blinded. placebo-controlled crossing over survey. The informations didn’t provide grounds of important mosquito repellence. However. capable merely consumed garlic one time. and the research workers say that more drawn-out consumption may be needed. There are besides other natural mosquito repellents that are being researched like the Fennel. Thyme. Clove oil. Celery infusion. Neem oil. Vitamin B1. Biopesticide insect repellents ( sometimes called â€Å"natural†. â€Å"botanical†or â€Å"plant-based†) has been proven to be every bit effectual as those incorporating man-made chemical 4 compounds like DEET. Remember. nevertheless. that â€Å"natural†doesn’t ever intend safe. so you should utilize plant-based insect repellents every bit carefully as any other. With the literature presented above. it can be seen that the survey has some bearing capablenesss and belongingss to other work in the sense that it tackles the capacity of some organic stuffs such garlic juice and lemon grass oil as effectual mosquito repellent. Chapter III Materials: Blender Spray bottle Used Cloth Plastic containers Knife Garlic Lemongrass Grater Measuring cup General Procedure Preparation of the Solution Materials were foremost gathered before the behavior of the experiment Cymbopogon citratus and Allium sativum were extracted utilizing a used fabric. The infusion of each ingredient was stored for two yearss. Then. both ingredients were measured to the coveted sum. The set up was composed of 20 milliliters Cymbopogon citratus infusion and 20 ML Allium sativum infusion. Application of the Solution After fixing the experimental set up. the solution was being sprayed on the container with mosquitoes. Each set up was composed of two tests. The clip it took before the mosquitoes died was observed and recorded Chapter IV This chapter presents the informations and observations obtained from the experimentation. Furthermore. it shows the treatments that support the underlying jobs under probe. Table1. Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) as Moquito slayer The tabular array above shows the comparing of Experimental Setup and Control Setup holding the same and equal mass upon using the solution to the mosquitoes. Table 2. The clip it took before the mosquitoes died. Test Time Experimental Setup Control Setup Average The informations above show that the solution composed of 40 milliliters Cymbopogon citratus infusion and 40 milliliter Allium sativum infusion has the capacity to kill mosquitoes with the minimal clip of merely 2. 36 proceedingss. Chapter V This chapter presents the drumhead. decision and recommendation of the survey under probe. Summary The survey focused on doing an alternate agent of eliminating great figure of mosquitoes. Specifically. it sought to happen out the insecticidal consequence ofCymbopogon citratus and Allium sativum on mosquitoes. It aimed at looking for an organic and safe step in handling the copiousness of mosquito. Ideally. our survey would advance a tandem between scientific discipline and creation’s preservation. The solution’s composing provided a simple how-to ways help people eradicate great figure of mosquitoes in the vicinity. The stuffs composing the solution were 40 milliliter Cymbopogon citratus infusion and 40 milliliter Allium sativumextract. The set up was composed of two tests. The solution was being sprayed on the containers with mosquitoes. Datas were collected to garner relevant information. From the experimentation. it was found out that the solution composition of 40 milliliters Cymbopogon citratus infusion and 40 milliliter Allium Sativum infusion is effectual mosquito slayer. It merely took 2. 45 proceedingss before the mosquito died. Decision Arriving at our consequences and end products. we came up that Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ) and Garlic ( Allium sativum ) are effectual mosquito slayer. It merely takes at least 2. 45 proceedingss before the effects will be observed. Recommendation From the probe. the research workers would wish to urge this survey to the pupils who would prosecute the Garlic ( Allium sativum ) and Cymbopogon citratus ( Lemongrass ) as Mosquito Killer to happen other insects in which the solution is applicable and behavior farther survey on the use of the solution.
Friday, November 22, 2019
9 New Years Eve Movies to Watch as the Ball Drops
9 New Years Eve Movies to Watch as the Ball Drops Ah, the magic of midnight and ticking clock! A wonderful occasion to gather in front of a TV screen with your family and friends or wrap yourself in a blanket to watch a movie alone. No matter if youre going to host a party or spend this night with no guests around, a nice movie wont hurt anybody. Do you like good old classic films or modern trash movies? We are sure that our tips will help you to spend the first night of the year with a good mood. Weve made a list of various films for fans of different genres and cinema eras to help you choose the best movie for your holiday night. While 2018 is coming to its end, its time to take a good holiday rest and get yourself prepared for new achievements. If you want to spend the night of December 31 with delicious food and films that will give you the holiday spirit, you should check this article. Weve prepared a New Years Eve movies list to make your night really festive and magical! 1 Four Rooms, 1995 An indie comedy that sets around New Years Eve in a fancy hotel tells 4 stories connected by the bellhop who is left alone to deal with the mess. With 4 brilliant directors Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Allison Anders, and Alexandre Rockwell, this comedy, spiced up with a bit of thriller and dark humor speaks for itself as it is one of the most viewed New Years themed movies. Starring: Tim Roth, Antonio Banderas, Sammi Davis, Amanda De Cadenet, Madonna 2 Bridget Joness Diary, 2001 A romantic comedy about an average woman trying to change her life for the better and find her true love. It can make you laugh through tears and sympathize the main characters. The plot based on the novel by Helen Fielding. Starring cast and the atmosphere of love make this movie a perfect choice for girls evening. Starring: Renà ©e Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Gemma Jones. 3 Trading Places, 1983 A classic comedy which is going to cheer you up and a perfect choice for those who wonder â€Å"what to watch on New Years Eve?†The bet of two millionaires makes two people from different social groups exchange their lives. A drastic change in the everyday routine of a broker from the upper class and homeless hustler unravels the plot that can be described as a modern vision of Mark Twains classic novel The Prince and the Pauper. Starring: Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, Ralph Bellamy, Don Ameche. 4 The Poseidon Adventure, 1972 A disaster film about the sinking of a majestic ship The Poseidon. New Years Eve party in the ocean on the way to Greece was interrupted by a sudden storm and soon becomes a real nightmare for surviving passengers. The plot leads you through this exciting escape adventure and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Starring: Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine, Shelley Winters, Red Buttons. 5 When Harry Met Sally, 1989 Watching the evolution of a relationship between two leading characters might be what you need this night. Its one of those movies that everybody mention when they are asked about favorite New Years Eve romantic film. Starring: Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Carrie Fisher, Bruno Kirby 6 The Godfather Part II, 1974 The Godfather is a movie that has almost nothing to do with New Years Eve, but still is one of the most popular choices for the festive night. The relationship between the father and the son Corleone and the plot tightly tying up around their lives makes this movie one of the best family movies to watch. Check it out and you will understand why it is called the epochal drama and a cinematic masterpiece. Starring: Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton 7 Ghostbusters II, 1989 After the success of the first movie, it was obvious that the audience wanted a sequel about favorite characters coming to the big screen. Ghostbusters II reveals the following events after the incident with the ghosts attacking the city. Turns out, that the team is disbanded and, eventually, not allowed to work. But everything changes when one ghost starts to interact with the baby of Peter Venkman. Sharp humor, interesting plot and brilliant actors made this movie a real classic. Starring: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis 8 200 Cigarettes, 1999 Multiple plot lines and numerous characters mix together for the perfect cocktail of fun, humor and colorful picture. As the plot unravels, we watch young people coping with relationships, desire, and loneliness, trying to find their place under the sun. Oh, and better watch it without your parents. Starring: Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, Dave Chappelle, Guillermo Dà az 9 In Search of a Midnight Kiss, 2007 A young man without any willing to love his life posts a Craigslist ad and suddenly gets a response from a girl who looks for a right man to kiss with when the ball drops. This independent romantic drama and comedy won several awards all over the world and can really catch your attention with its magical music and sudden plot twists. Starring: Scoot McNairy, Sara Simmonds, Brian McGuire, Kathleen Luong. So which movie will you choose? Let us know in a comment section! New Years Eve is a magical event and a time when anything can happen. Get ready for a new experience and have a Happy New Year!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Drug use in college students Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Drug use in college students - Assignment Example There are many dependent variables out of which, level of drug use is explained here. Level of drug use can be described as usage level of illegal drugs by the students whether they are using the drugs by habit or as per social constraints (Riley, 2012). The level of drug use has many possible attributes such as intensity of consumption of drugs resulting in falling health, which also affects the studies of the student. Illegal drug usage by students is a thought provoking concern and should be dealt considerably by law enforcement officials in order to control the issue. The independent variables related to drug use in college students can be attachment, commitment and level of college involvement (Riley, 2012). Students studying in colleges form attachment with their close people and places such as parents, school and college mates. The independent variable of attachment has attributes such as level of affection, respect of the elders and deterrence to use drugs. Attachment with any person or place appears as a force stopping students to use illegal drugs (Riley, 2012). Commitment is another independent variable that has many attributes such as students’ reputation in the college, employment of students and religion that they follow. All these attributes affect the students in being committed to their set values due to which, they are restricted to the drug usage in colleges (Riley, 2012). By considering their commitments to various options available to students, they are hindered to make illegal drug usage that is beneficial for their career and health. The level of college involvement is an independent variable, which can be explained as being engaged in co-curricular activities such as games, club memberships, employment and fraternities and much more. These engagements hinder the college students to get indulged in drug usage considering
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
ADOLESCENCE ADDICTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
ADOLESCENCE ADDICTION - Essay Example She smokes marijuana twice a week, drinks alcohol one to two weekends a month, and she is starting to get addicted to cocaine. Maria’s diagnostic criteria would involve clear communication, intervention and treatment by various parties concerned. The type of substance use diagnosis that may apply to her involves the use of structured devices to accurately identify the type, of disorder or addiction she is suffering. Secondly, withdrawal effects might also have an effect in her alcohol and cocaine habits. Signs/symptoms showing that Terry is an addict are easily identified from his inability to perform his task at the workplace. He is a heavy drinker who often suffers from blackouts, he experiences mood swings that make him violent and angry, thus suffers from relationship problems with his girl friend. Lastly, Terry suffers from withdrawal problems as he unsuccessfully tried to limit his heavy drinking behavior with no success. Terry’s diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse are that he has been a heavy user for more than three years resulting to failure in accomplishing outstanding obligations at work (Rosner, 2012). The use diagnosis that might apply to Terry involves the development of tolerance to help him reduce the effects of the taken alcohol and cocaine. Withdrawal might also apply in Terry’s alcoholic and cocaine case. In my opinion, DSM-IV is not effective in the above cases since it raises a lot of confusion in its remission effects. DSM-IV will have negative impacts when applied on Maria and Terry because of the stigma associated to patients who are subject to its labeling. Secondly, the method might also lead to misdiagnosis since it has not been certified as being the best method for treating patients who experience similar conditions to Maria and Terry (Fauman, 2002). Conclusively, adolescence addiction is an emerging issue in the society affecting both the society and the individual who indulge into the addiction. Most
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Exploring the Thematic Link Between the Epigraph and the Greasy Lake Essay Example for Free
Exploring the Thematic Link Between the Epigraph and the Greasy Lake Essay The Greasy Lake seems to be influence by Bruce Springsteen Spirit in the Night. It is like used an epigraph from his song even though its not about the characters of the story. The characters and actions are completely made up. The Greasy Lake seemed to just imitate the song and take on its a free spirit. The Bad boy image in the Greasy Lake was admired and planned as the boys days continued, it was not original. We can just think about when the Greasy Lake was set not only the epigraph but also the title of the story was inspired by Bruce Springsteen Spirit in the Night. Think about it, are these boys really bad? No, they are just acting out the kind of behavior they think is bad,cool or expected of them. They read books to learn the Bad boy ways, drink cheap non- bad boy drinks and came from high class families. The nature of life was shown through the bad things that took place such as beating the guy and disrespecting the girl and being bad in order to be looked at as bad or cool. This is the narrator learned his lesson all from his actiions. The narrator, in the beginning of the story, believed himself and his friends were these tough guys but the events trhoughout the night reveals to the narrator that there is a price to be paid when trying to be bad. It was the third night of summer vacation and the narrator and his two friends, Digby and Jeff, wanted to prove they were misfits. That they were ready to be reckless and became reck. On that night they wanted to be semi- rebels, their rebellion explodes in their faces. Their actions brings them into a tougher world than they had arranged for. They beat the goy up and was about to rape his girl friend. The guy friends pulled up and the tables had turned. They ran through the woods, dived and poluted waters and floated with the real tough guy who was dead in the waters. They hid from the real tough guys because they were scared and werent bad at all. The layed low till the early morning and then the three boys started to feel a bunch of hatred or repugnance for the Bad boy life. As the end it is clear that they have had enough of being â€Å"bad. †The narrator of â€Å"Greasy Lake†matures during his risky adventure because he has different views of nature. Earlier in the story they wanted to destroy the smell of possibility and interact in all these crazy moments such as watch the girl take their clothes off, drink, smoke and listen to Rock Roll. At the end of the story these cruel likings loses their request or want for these Bad guy qualities and aspects of life. When morning arrived the narrator experienced the beauty of the natural world like it was his first time. He has a epiphany or proclamation that this was nature and in the beginning it was just a dirty, rundown lake.? This was not just for him but for his friends also. When the girls approached them at the end his friend stepped up and trned down the girls offer. The three friends had the experience of a life time that changed thm for the better.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Green River Running Red Essay -- Literary Analysis, Ann Rule
Green River Running Red by Ann Rule,is a book that depicts the story of King County Sheriff’s investigation and hunt for a serial killer who 20 years after his first killing would be identified as Gary Leon Ridgeway. Now that i’ve read about some of Ridgeway’s forty-eight victims and their lives of prostitution before he murdered them along with the details of each murder investigation, I will lay out two crime scenes as described in the book and the process in which they were investigated in the 1980’s. Then, I will assume the role of primary investigator and reinvestigate the scenes using the various systems, technologies, and outside resources available today to investigators that were not available at the time of the crime. †¨Crime Scene Scenario 1: On a warm Sunday in August of 1982, a local man of King County was drifting along the river in a rubber raft looking for antique bottles or anything of value in the murky shallow waters, but instead found horror. Peering into the murky water the rafter could make out what appeared to be two still figures floating beneath the surface with their eyes facing the sky. The man immediately signaled a passerby for help in notifying King County Sheriff’s Office about the discovery of the two floating bodies in the river. (Rule, p.13) The Investigation: Upon King County Sheriff’s Office getting word of the found body’s in the river several officers were dispatched out to the scene as well as Search and Rescue. Upon the first responding officers’ arrival they affirmed that the two bodies in the river were in fact female bodies and were in someway being held close to the river bottom. One officer began to document the scene by taking pictures while the other officer began video taping ... ...atterns, and link cases together by notifying each agency that a similar murder case exists and where. (Swanson, p.305) Now that I’ve discussed the many new investigative resources available today I’m certain in assuming that many aspects of how King County’s Investigation was conducted would have been different, and their efforts much more efficient had they had at their fingertips back in the 1980’s, the use of todays technologies. However, all investigators understand that they have to work to the best of their ability with what is available to them at the time and cant focus on what isn’t. Crime scene investigation can be a daunting task with long hours, exhausted leads, media pressures, and being the first source to blame when cases are left unsolved. Investigators are the unsung heroes whose work may not always be acknowledged but should be recognized. Green River Running Red Essay -- Literary Analysis, Ann Rule Green River Running Red by Ann Rule,is a book that depicts the story of King County Sheriff’s investigation and hunt for a serial killer who 20 years after his first killing would be identified as Gary Leon Ridgeway. Now that i’ve read about some of Ridgeway’s forty-eight victims and their lives of prostitution before he murdered them along with the details of each murder investigation, I will lay out two crime scenes as described in the book and the process in which they were investigated in the 1980’s. Then, I will assume the role of primary investigator and reinvestigate the scenes using the various systems, technologies, and outside resources available today to investigators that were not available at the time of the crime. †¨Crime Scene Scenario 1: On a warm Sunday in August of 1982, a local man of King County was drifting along the river in a rubber raft looking for antique bottles or anything of value in the murky shallow waters, but instead found horror. Peering into the murky water the rafter could make out what appeared to be two still figures floating beneath the surface with their eyes facing the sky. The man immediately signaled a passerby for help in notifying King County Sheriff’s Office about the discovery of the two floating bodies in the river. (Rule, p.13) The Investigation: Upon King County Sheriff’s Office getting word of the found body’s in the river several officers were dispatched out to the scene as well as Search and Rescue. Upon the first responding officers’ arrival they affirmed that the two bodies in the river were in fact female bodies and were in someway being held close to the river bottom. One officer began to document the scene by taking pictures while the other officer began video taping ... ...atterns, and link cases together by notifying each agency that a similar murder case exists and where. (Swanson, p.305) Now that I’ve discussed the many new investigative resources available today I’m certain in assuming that many aspects of how King County’s Investigation was conducted would have been different, and their efforts much more efficient had they had at their fingertips back in the 1980’s, the use of todays technologies. However, all investigators understand that they have to work to the best of their ability with what is available to them at the time and cant focus on what isn’t. Crime scene investigation can be a daunting task with long hours, exhausted leads, media pressures, and being the first source to blame when cases are left unsolved. Investigators are the unsung heroes whose work may not always be acknowledged but should be recognized.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Plato †Philosophy Essay
The Republic is one of Plato’s longer works (more than 450 pages in length). It is written in dialogue form (as are most of Plato’s books), & it addresses major issues in almost all of the branches of philosophy. The central theme in the book seems to be the nature of justice, a topic in political philosophy, but Plato also has his characters explore issues in ? philosophical cosmology, ? philosophical theology, ? philosophical anthropology, ? ethics, ? aesthetics, and ? epistemology. The parts of the Republic that are contained in our text (pp. 107-123) focus on Plato’s idea (ideal?) of the Philosopher Ruler. According to Plato, ? the best possible political system (state) ? will be ruled (governed) ? by PHILOSOPHERS! (Is he kidding? ) Our reading selection contains the following themes/sections: ? ? Introduction on the unifying of philosophy & politics (107) Why â€Å"true philosophers†would make the best rulers (108-12) †¢ What is â€Å"true philosophy†? (108-11) †¢ Love of wisdom (108) †¢ Knowledge of true reality (108-9) †¢ The distinctions between knowledge, ignorance and opinion (109-11) †¢ How is a â€Å"true philosopher†different from a â€Å"lover of opinion†? (111-12) †¢ Who is best suited to rule the state – lovers of opinion or â€Å"true philosophers†? (112) ? ? Political leadership and knowledge of the Good (112-13) The ascent of the mind to knowledge of the Good (113-123) †¢ The analogy between the Good and the sun (113-15) †¢ The image of the divided line (115-18) †¢ The allegory of the cave (118-123) The selection in the text begins at a point in the Republic after Socrates, Glaucon, & other characters have been discussing the nature of justice and the marks of a just political system for some time. So we are coming into the middle of the conversation where Glaucon is pressing Socrates to state whether it is possible for a really just political system to come into existence. Before answering Glaucon’s question, Socrates wonders whether it is worthwhile to What does he say construct a theoretical model of a good political system even if such a system could about this? Do you agree? Why not actually exist. or why not? Back to Glaucon’s original question: Can a really just (or at least approximately just) political system exist? What would make it possible? (It is the separation of philosophy & political power. ) And this leads to . . . . unless political power & philosophy are brought together & those who now pursue either the one or the other exclusively are prevented from doing so -neither our political problems nor our human troubles in general can be ended . . . . †(Text, pp. 108-111) True Philosophy & True Philosophers What are the characteristics of a person who is naturally suited to practice philosophy? According to Socrates (Plato), a true philosopher ? loves the whole of wisdom and is satisfied with nothing less; ? recognizes the difference between particular things and the essences (or forms) of which particular things are likenesses (e.g. , beautiful things vs. Beauty itself); and ? knows the differences between knowledge, ignorance, and opinion. Plato argues that someone who really loves something must love that thing as a whole and not just some aspects of it. On that basis, he concludes that a true philosopher (lover of wisdom) must desire wisdom as a whole and not be content with having just some wisdom. Do you agree with this? Do wine-lovers really love all wines? A true philosopher recognizes the difference between particular things and the essences (or forms) of which particular things are likenesses (e. g. , beautiful things vs.Beauty itself). One of Plato’s major metaphysical theories is known as the â€Å"Theory of Forms. †According to that theory, ultimate reality is a realm of forms (essences) not accessible to the senses but only to the mind (intellect). He calls that level of reality the â€Å"intelligible realm†(because it is accessible only to the intellect). The perceptible world (i. e. , the world we perceive through our senses) is a reflection or copy of that higher intelligible world. (The Greek word for â€Å"form†or â€Å"essence†is eidos. ) Do you think it is possible for one thing to be really more beautiful than another thing? Well, how is that possible if Absolute Beauty does not exist? How can â€Å"A†be more beautiful than â€Å"B†? Doesn’t â€Å"A†have to be closer to Absolute Beauty than â€Å"B†is? But how can â€Å"A†be closer to (or â€Å"B†be further away from) Absolute Beauty if Absolute Beauty does not exist? A true philosopher knows the differences between ? Knowledge, ? ignorance, & ? opinion. Plato’s view of knowledge, ignorance, and opinion (Text, pp. 109-111) State of Mind Knowledge Opinion Ignorance Object What is (Being, Reality) What is & is not (Becoming) What is not (Nothingness, Unreality) Access Intellect Perception ? (Do you agree with this setup/theory?) Is Plato right about knowledge, ignorance, and opinion? Here’s a different view†¦. What about knowledge? The three basic questions in epistemology ? ? What is knowledge? How does it differ from opinion? How do we acquire knowledge? What are its sources? Rationalism vs. Empiricism. (What about Intuitionism and Revelationism? ) ? What are the extent and limits of knowledge? What can be known, and what cannot be known? A (fairly) standard definition of knowledge (and opinion) ? Knowledge is â€Å"justified (i. e. , verified) true belief. â€Å" †¢ To know is to believe. †¢ The belief must, in fact, be true. †¢ The belief must be â€Å"justified†(i.e. , verified, proved) by some standard and generally recognized means. ? Opinion is belief that may be true or may be false but that has not been or cannot be â€Å"justified†(i. e. , verified, proved) by any standard and generally recognized means. Of course, some opinions that are rationally defensible in the weak sense are â€Å"justified†in a limited way. And what about ignorance? Isn’t ignorance basically an absence of knowledge? Of course, opinion is also an absence of knowledge. So perhaps ignorance is a certain or special kind of opinion that is in some sense groundless (in a way based on nothing, as Plato says). ? There seem to be various types of ignorance, including unintelligent ignorance, as when someone asserts dogmatically that a false proposition is true or that a true proposition is false. There is also intelligent ignorance, as when someone does not know X and acknowledges forthrightly that he does not know it, etc. More thought is needed on this matter†¦. ? However, Plato’s view of ignorance as having non-being (nothingness) as its object does not seem correct (or at least not completely correct). ? ? ? Lovers of wisdom (philosophers)  they recognize the existence of absolute, transcendental essences such as Beauty & Justice in themselves, and they seek knowledge of such absolutes. ? Lovers of opinion -they recognize only particular perceptible things & do not believe in the existence of absolute essences such as Beauty itself. So what is the nature of the Absolute Good? (Text, p. 112-113) In approaching the problem of defining the nature of the Absolute Good, Socrates (Plato) sets forth three very famous illustrations of his overall perspective on knowledge & reality. These are I The Good & the Sun The Good is to the mind as the sun is to the eye, i.e. , just as the sun’s light enables the eye to see in the perceptible realm, so the Good illuminates the mind and enables it to â€Å"see†in the intelligible realm. (See text, pp. 113-115) 2 The divided line (Text, pp. 115-118) States of Consciousness Philosophical Wisdom E Objects of Consciousness The Good & Other Forms Knowledge D Intelligible Realm Scientific Knowledge Informed Opinion Delusion C B Mathematical & Scientific Objects Opinion Perceptible Objects Images Perceptible Realm A (Text, pp. 118-123) Can you link the images on the following slide to Plato’s depiction of the cave world on pp. 118-121 in the text? Now that the prisoner has â€Å"seen the light,†? What might happen to him if he were to go back down into the cave-world? (pp. 119-121) ? How does he feel when he looks back down into the cave-world? (pp. 119) ? How does the allegory of the cave illustrate Plato’s overall view of knowledge and reality? (p. 121) More questions: ? What’s the philosophical difference between coming into the darkness from the light & coming into the light from the darkness? (p. 121) ? What, according to Plato, does the allegory of the cave tell us about what the process of education should be? (pp. 121-122) there are the big questions: Why should we want philosophers to rule? How are we going to get them to rule? Since we are asking them to come back down into the cave-world, won’t we be doing them harm by making their lives worse rather than better? (Text, pp. 122-123) What do you think of the following statements by Plato (Socrates)? â€Å"The best rulers of the state are those who know the Good, who don’t look to politics for their happiness, & who live a higher life than the political life. †â€Å"Political power should be held by those who do not want it. †The End (for now).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Modern Virtue Ethics Essay
To what extent do modern virtue ethics address the weaknesses of Aristotle’s teaching on virtues? (35) Virtue Ethics looks at a person’s good traits, known as ‘virtues’ and negative traits, known as ‘vices’; a person is considered to be a good person if they are virtuous and a morally bad person if they have developed lots of vices. Deontological and teleological ethicists argue that good or bad behaviour is far more important than a person’s good or bad characteristics whereas Virtue Theory argues it is only by becoming a better person that we will engage in the ‘right’ behaviour; Virtue Theory looks at the agent in itself and rather than the action. The key concepts of Virtue Ethics were first penned by the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle and in more recent times have been adapted and added to by Alasdair MacIntyre. Aristotle’s theory is made up of many key features, including Moral Virtues, The Doctrine of the Mean, Eudaimonia, and Friendship and the Community. According to Aristotle, everything has a purpose, for example, pens, their purpose is to write, if the pen fulfils its purpose and writes well, it is a good pen. In the same way, if we equate Eudaimonia to the pen, Eudaimonia is the supreme goal of human life, if a person reaches Eudaimonia, they are a considered a good person as the purpose was to be happy, therefore they have reached their purpose, just as the pen reaches its own. He also argued that every action comes down to this aim, every human being desires to be as happy as possible. An example of this is to ask a Doctor or a Lawyer why they chose such professions, the majority would answer that they chose this profession because it pays well and they believed that being paid well would lead to an easier and happy life, or Eudaimonia. Aristotle’s theory also says that relationships and friendships play a very important role in how we behave as people and how our actions are determined; we should all aim to individually achieve Eudaimonia, which would therefore achieve the greatest good for society as a whole as everyone would be happier; Aristotle sees our communal friendships and relationships as a vital part of our moral code and flourishing as a virtuous being. As previously mentioned, a good life involves developing a good character and these are known as moral virtues which are cultivated by habit; one must practice these good virtues in order to adopt them. Some of the key virtues Aristotle spoke of include modesty, generosity, patience, truthfulness and friendliness. Aristotle also spoke of Intellectual Virtues and Cardinal Virtues. Aristotle believed that we should aim to be virtuous people and avoid vices. Aristotle’s theory is centered around the concept of The Doctrine of the Mean; this states that there are two different vices that accompany every virtue- the Vice of Deficiency and the Vice of Excess. The Vice of Deficiency refers to a distinct lack of virtues, whereas the Vice of Excess refers to too much of the virtue being present. For example, modesty, if there is a distinct lack of this virtue, it may result in shamelessness and if there is too much of this virtue, it may result in shyness. Aristotle argued that the ‘Golden (or Virtuous) Mean’ is the middle of these to extremes and that is what people should aim to have. Aristotle’s theory is very logical and encourages people to adopt good characteristics which in an ideal world would result in every individual being as happy as possible; however there are many criticisms of this theory. For example, it is somewhat unclear of what is considered a virtue and what is considered a vice and it is also unclear of who is responsible for deciding these; as well as this, it could be argued that it is not possible to measure these virtues. It could also be argued that if every individual had exactly the same characteristics, everyone would be the same and the world be become mundane and monotonous. Virtue Ethics also does not provide clear guidelines or rules of how to act in specific circumstances and is vague and subjective. Alasdair Macintyre is a Scottish philosopher, whose writing dates to the 20th Century CE. He made an attempt to alter Aristotle’s theory in order to make it more relative and contexualise the ideas. Macintyre felt that morality had become lax and felt that they had become far hypothetical. He felt that people focused more on how an ethical theory would hold up under uncommon and unrealistic circumstances rather than situations where morality counts. He believed that we should understand the context of ethics before attempting to fix modern moral dilemmas. Macintyre’s belief in context as the central part to ethical decision making shows us that he is relative in his ideology. He believed that virtues would change over time naturally, for example, bravery for us is a person that confronts a gang of youths, throwing rocks at windows, or a police tackling a burglar, however 2000 years ago, bravery was considered as a man dying in battle, for his country. This is an attempt at addressing a weakness of Aristotelian Virtue Ethics, as it would encourage the person to look at the time and place before deciding whether the character traits are good or not. It has to be said that what may be considered good in the Congo may not necessarily be considered good in Brixton, London. Finally Macintyre addresses the issue of External and Internal goods. Internal Goods are what he calls, the qualities of a person’s character. The External Goods are the things that a person relies on, for example,food or a decent living arrangement. He states that although these are valuable to the human nature, they can be considered good or bad. However the Internal Goods are the most important. This gives more relativism than Aristotelian Virtue Ethics which can be considered an improvement. In conclusion I feel that Alasdair Macintyre has made a good attempt to improve and change Aristotle’s version of Virtue Ethics, however we can still see some weaknesses. For example, it is even more relative than Aristotle’s version and this can lead to ambiguity when facing a moral dilemma. This has not been addressed, in the modern version by Macintyre. It also does not eliminate the idea of universal virtues to achieve Eudaimonia. This is problematic. So, I feel that his attempt must be congratulated but I do not feel that it has been entirely successful as there are still elements which could be improved further.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How the Channel Tunnel Was Built and Designed
How the Channel Tunnel Was Built and Designed The Channel Tunnel, which is often called the Chunnel or the Euro Tunnel, is a railway tunnel that lies underneath the water of the English Channel and connects the island of Great Britain with mainland France. The Channel Tunnel, completed in 1994 and officially opened on May 6 of that year, is considered one of the most amazing engineering feats of the 20th century. Overview of the Channel Tunnel For centuries, crossing the English Channel via boat or ferry had been considered a miserable task. The often inclement weather and choppy water could make even the most seasoned traveler seasick. It is perhaps not surprising then that as early as 1802 plans were being made for an alternate route across the English Channel. Early Plans This first plan, made by French engineer Albert Mathieu Favier, called for a tunnel to be dug under the water of the English Channel. This tunnel was to be large enough for horse-drawn carriages to travel through. Although Favier was able to get the backing of French leader Napoleon Bonaparte, the British rejected Faviers plan. (The British feared, perhaps correctly, that Napoleon wanted to build the tunnel in order to invade England.) Over the next two centuries, others created plans to connect Great Britain with France. Despite progress made on a number of these plans, including actual drilling, they all eventually fell through. Sometimes the reason was political discord, other times was financial problems. Still other times it was Britains fear of invasion. All of these factors had to be solved before the Channel Tunnel could be built. A Contest In 1984, French President Francois Mitterrand and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher jointly agreed that a link across the English Channel would be mutually beneficial. However, both governments realized that although the project would create much-needed jobs, neither countrys government could fund such a massive project. Thus, they decided to hold a contest. This contest invited companies to submit their plans to create a link across the English Channel. As part of the contests requirements, the submitting company was to provide a plan to raise the needed funds to build the project, have the ability to operate the proposed Channel link once the project was completed, and the proposed link must be able to endure for at least 120 years. Ten proposals were submitted, including various tunnels and bridges. Some of the proposals were so outlandish in design that they were easily dismissed; others would be so expensive that they were unlikely to ever be completed. The proposal that was accepted was the plan for the Channel Tunnel, submitted by the Balfour Beatty Construction Company (this later became Transmanche Link). The Design for the Channel Tunnels The Channel Tunnel was to be made up of two parallel railway tunnels that would be dug under the English Channel. Between these two railway tunnels would run a third, smaller tunnel that would be used for maintenance, as well as providing a space for drainage pipes, etc. Each of the trains that would run through the Chunnel would be able to hold cars and trucks. This would enable personal vehicles to go through the Channel Tunnel without having individual drivers face such a long, underground drive. The plan was expected to cost $3.6 billion. Getting Started Just getting started on the Channel Tunnel was a monumental task. Funds had to be raised (over 50 large banks gave loans), experienced engineers had to be found, 13,000 skilled and unskilled workers had to be hired and housed, and special tunnel boring machines had to be designed and built. As these things were getting done, the designers had to determine exactly where the tunnel was to be dug. Specifically, the geology of the bottom of the English Channel had to be carefully examined. It was determined that although the bottom was made of a thick layer of chalk, the Lower Chalk layer, made up of chalk marl, would be the easiest to bore through. Building the Channel Tunnel Evening Standard/Getty Images The digging of the Channel Tunnel began simultaneously from the British and the French coasts, with the finished tunnel meeting in the middle. On the British side, the digging began near Shakespeare Cliff outside of Dover; the French side began near the village of Sangatte. The digging was done by huge tunnel boring machines, known as TBMs, which cut through the chalk, collected the debris, and transported the debris behind it using conveyor belts. Then this debris, known as spoil, would be hauled up to the surface via railroad wagons (British side) or mixed with water and pumped out through a pipeline (French side). As the TBMs bore through the chalk, the sides of the newly dug tunnel had to be lined with concrete. This concrete lining was to help the tunnel withstand the intense pressure from above as well as to help waterproof the tunnel. Connecting the Tunnels One of the most difficult tasks on the Channel Tunnel project was making sure that both the British side of the tunnel and the French side actually met up in the middle. Special lasers and surveying equipment was used; however, with such a large project, no one was sure it would actually work. Since the service tunnel was the first to be dug, it was the joining of the two sides of this tunnel that caused the most fanfare. On December 1, 1990, the meeting of the two sides was officially celebrated. Two workers, one British (Graham Fagg) and one French (Philippe Cozette), were chosen by lottery to be the first to shake hands through the opening. After them, hundreds of workers crossed to the other side in celebration of this amazing achievement. For the first time in history, Great Britain and France were connected. Finishing the Channel Tunnel Although the meeting of the two sides of the service tunnel was a cause of great celebration, it certainly wasnt the end of the Channel Tunnel building project. Both the British and the French kept digging. The two sides met in the northern running tunnel on May 22, 1991, and then, only a month later, the two sides met in the middle of the southern running tunnel on June 28, 1991. That too wasnt the end of the Chunnel construction. Crossover tunnels, land tunnels from the coast to the terminals, piston relief ducts, electrical systems, fireproof doors, the ventilation system, and train tracks all had to be added. Also, large train terminals had to be built at Folkestone in Great Britain and Coquelles in France. The Channel Tunnel Opens On December 10, 1993, the first test run was completed through the entire Channel Tunnel. After additional fine-tuning, the Channel Tunnel officially opened on May 6, 1994. After six years of construction and $15 billion spent (some sources say upwards of $21 billion), the Channel Tunnel was finally complete.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
History of the Millerites, a Religious Sect
History of the Millerites, a Religious Sect The Millerites were members of a ​religious sect who became famous in 19th century America for fervently believing the world was about to end. The name came from William Miller, an Adventist preacher from New York State who gained an enormous following for asserting, in fiery sermons, that Christ’s return was imminent. At hundreds of tent meetings around America throughout the summers of the early 1840s, Miller and others convinced as many as one million Americans that Christ would be resurrected between the spring of 1843 and the spring of 1844. People came up with precise dates and prepared to meet their end. As the various dates passed and the end of the world did not occur, the movement began to be ridiculed in the press. In fact, the name Millerite was originally bestowed upon the sect by detractors before coming into common usage in newspaper reports. The date of October 22, 1844, was eventually chosen as the day when Christ would return and the faithful would ascend to heaven. There were reports of Millerites selling or giving away their worldly possessions, and even donning white robes to ascend to heaven. The world did not end, of course. And while some followers of Miller gave up on him, he went on to play a role in the founding of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Life of William Miller William Miller was born February 15, 1782, in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He grew up in New York State and received a spotty education, which would have been typical for the time. However, he read books from a local library and essentially educated himself. He married in 1803 and became a farmer. He served in the War of 1812, rising to the rank of captain. Following the war, he returned to farming and became intensely interested in religion. Over a period of 15 years, he studied scripture and became obsessed with the idea of prophecies. About 1831 he began to preach the idea that the world would end with the return of Christ close to the year 1843. He had calculated the date by studying Biblical passages and assembling clues which led him to create a complicated calendar. Over the next decade, he developed into a forceful public speaker, and his preaching became extraordinarily popular. A publisher of religious works, Joshua Vaughan Himes, became involved with Miller in 1839. He encouraged Miller’s work and used a considerable organizational ability to spread Miller’s prophecies. Himes arranged to have an enormous tent made, and organized a tour so Miller could preach to hundreds of people at a time. Himes also arranged for Miller’s works to be published, in the form of books, handbills, and newsletters. As Miller’s fame spread, many Americans came to take his prophecies seriously. And even after the world did not end in October 1844, some disciples still clung to their beliefs. A common explanation was that Biblical chronology was inaccurate, therefore Miller’s calculations produced an unreliable result. After he was essentially proven wrong, Miller lived for another five years, dying at his home in Hampton, New York, on December 20, 1849. His most devoted followers branched off and founded other denominations, including the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Fame of the Millerites As Miller and some of his followers preached at hundreds of meetings in the early 1840s, newspapers naturally covered the popularity of the movement. And converts to Miller’s thinking began to attract attention by preparing themselves, in public ways, for the world to end and for the faithful to enter heaven. The newspaper coverage tended to be dismissive if not blatantly hostile. And when the various dates proposed for the end of the world came and went, the stories about the sect often portrayed followers as delusional or insane. Typical stories would detail eccentricities of sect members, which often included tales of them giving away possessions which they would no longer need when they ascended to heaven. For instance, a story in the New York Tribune on October 21, 1844, claimed that a female Millerite in Philadelphia had sold her house and a brickmaker had abandoned his prosperous business. By the 1850s the Millerites were considered an unusual fad which had come and gone.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Practical Privacy Problem Solving Research Paper
Practical Privacy Problem Solving - Research Paper Example At the current economic scenario, information plays a vital role and organizations use this information in deep linking as a tool for promotional activity. It provides information of all kinds through deep links which are important and this often includes unwanted information too. Looking from the point of view of a consumer, the deep linking has positive as well as negative impact. The positive side of it is that it provides information and from the negative perspective, it often includes unnecessarily information upon which consumers are not interested. Many organizations use deep links and as a result there are lot of information and data which creates a block for the consumers. There should be certain guidelines for the use of the strategy of deep linking and also for protecting the consumers’ interest. Various laws have been established regarding the ethical issues in the usage of deep linking strategy. In the segment of e-marketing, the value and practice of professionals lies in the process of deep linking. Each individual in e-marketing has to adhere to professional codes and at the same time also contribute to them. From the ethical point of view of a consumer the conflict arises and due to this, the governments across the world have initiated regulations for online conduct. Most of the organizations in the world are in favor that the internet should be left to the free operation of the market. But consumers do not feel so due to their privacy interference which rises to ethical issues and therefore the conflict has been on the ever increasing spree. The regulations states that prior to the consent, the recipient of the e-mail has formerly notified the sender (organizations) that he/she consented at the commencement of the correspondence for receiving such e-mail for direct marketing intention (Email Marketing Solutions UK,
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